John Manth

John Manth

John is the father of Leah Math, who was diagnosed with NF two in 2007 when she was just seven years old. John and his family are dedicated to finding meaningful treatments and a cure for NF2. He is the current president of the board of directors for the NF Network as well as chairman of the board of directors for NF Northeast--he previously served on the board of directors for NF2 BioSolutions, as well as Advocure NF2. Since Leah's diagnosis, the Manth family and friends have raised a million dollars and sponsored 13 NF2 research studies. John is a staunch advocate for federal funding for NF research and assists in coordinating, training, and mentoring NF families attending the NF Network's annual trip to Washington, D.C. He has extensive experience in fundraising, non-profit organizational leadership, advocacy, and NF outreach. John, his wife Linda, and Dr. Scott Plotkin co-wrote a booklet entitled "Understanding NF2," published by the NF Network. He has also written articles on various NF topics. Additionally, he has presented at numerous NF symposia and has facilitated many NF family and patient discussions. John teaches undergraduate courses in violence, global crime, and comparative criminal justice at Hilbert College in Hamburg, New York, as well as a criminal justice career program to high school students. He holds a Bachelor's of Arts degree in Criminology from the University of Maryland and a Master's of Arts degree in Criminal Justice and Education from Buffalo State College.

Appears in 1 Episode

The Role Of Service Dogs in NF with John Manth

My guest this episode is John Manth, father of Leah Manth, who was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis Type 2 (NF2-SWN) in 2007. John discusses their family's journey in ...

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